
Meet the Herd

We are the Shepherd’s; a small family navigating the world of parenting, budgeting, traveling, and home-owning.  We love making memories and cherish the time we get to spend together.  Learn more by clicking the About Us tab above.  We are glad you are here and we hope you enjoy Following the Herd!

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Recent Posts
  • Go Grab the Camera
    This is another past from last year. My family was talking about this incident the other day and I remembered I had written about, so I sent out to find it. Here it is. April 2019: “If you were to …Read More »
  • 18 Summers Anxiety
    I have recently been going through some old files and I found quite a few blog posts that I have written throughout the past year, and for one reason or another, I never published them. But now I want to. …Read More »
  • M&M Popcorn Treat
    I try to get our three-year-old, Deacon, cooking in the kitchen with me as often as I can. I try to give him simple tasks such as stirring and pouring, but sometimes something as difficult as breaking an egg. However …Read More »
  • White Bean Chicken Chili
    Spring keeps teasing us with its back and forth sunny days and rainy days. Right now we are even getting snow! But that’s Utah for ya, you can easily get all four seasons in one day. Anyways, when the weather …Read More »
  • It’s Been a Minute…
    I promise we haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.  We have been a little MIA, and that’s really not what I want.  So here I am, back at it, and hopefully that won’t happen again.  And it’s not …Read More »
  • The Tale of Two Mike & Ike’s
    To say that Deacon doesn’t have a sweet tooth would be a complete lie. I think he takes after me in that way. There was one particular morning just after Thanksgiving that he kept asking for a treat. I kept …Read More »
  • Cheese Ball Recipe
    This is a yummy, simple cheese ball recipe that has a hint of ranch and comes together very quickly. It’s perfect for social gatherings, family get-togethers, or just snacking at home. Serve it in a ball form, or in a …Read More »
  • Starting New Traditions
    From the moment years ago that I saw the tradition of wrapping 24 Christmas books and opening one a day until Christmas, I knew that was something I wanted to do someday.  Well, that someday is here! I started accumulating …Read More »
  • How to Decorate a Sparse Christmas Tree
    Our tree is definitely on the sparse side.  We didn’t pay a lot for our tree, and well, like they say, you get what you pay for.  But I discovered a few decorating tricks that I implemented into my tree …Read More »
  • Oh, How I Hate Daylight Savings Time
    Yep, it’s true.  I hate Daylight Savings Time.  I think that most parents of young children would concur.  Not only does it truly jack up the kid’s sleeping schedule, it gets light earlier in the evening, shortening our outside evening …Read More »
  • People are Good
    The other day I was blessed to be the recipient of someone’s kindness. I was at the grocery store with the two little men.  We didn’t need a lot of groceries, so we quickly grabbed what we needed and headed …Read More »
  • Microwave Apple Crisp
    Apple pie is all fine and good, but I would choose apple crisp over apple pie any day.  And as easy as this recipe is, I could eat it any day I wanted.  It only takes 15 minutes from beginning …Read More »
  • Cheddar Chowder
    I can’t think of a more perfect food for a crisp, fall day than a hot bowl of soup.  This one comes together so quickly and is sure to hit the spot.Read More »
  • If I Hear “Baby Shark” One More Time…
    If I hear “Baby Shark” one more time, I’m convinced I’ll never sleep again.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, take a minute to watch this little video below.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the song.  …Read More »
  • Pumpkin Roll
    September is upon us, and you know what that means!  Cue all the pumpkin!  You can expect to see pumpkin-flavored everything for the next 2 months.  I’m surprised we haven’t yet seen pumpkin soda, pumpkin ranch, pumpkin syrup, pumpkin gravy, …Read More »
  • A Heart Full of Love & A Hand Full of Poo
    This parenting gig is no joke. Some days are really good, some days are really bad, and what I’ve recently discovered is that it is okay to have bad days. Tomorrow is a new day, a chance to start fresh, …Read More »
  • Almond Tea Cake
    You know those foods that take you back to a specific memory?  This Almond Tea Cake is just that for me.  I can remember exactly when and where I ate this for the first time. I was 10.  I was …Read More »
  • Colter Bay Family Vacation
    We got to spend an amazing week at Colter Bay in The Grand Tetons.  We got the opportunity to go with Marcel’s parents and brother and we all had a great time.  Enjoy the video of a few highlights of …Read More »
  • One Step at a Time
    One step at a time is how I finished. While we were vacationing at Colter Bay in the Grand Tetons, we went on a beautiful hike at Jenny Lake. To get there, we took a one-way boat ride across the …Read More »
  • What Doin’?
    It’s a story-book summers afternoon.  Droplets of rain danced on the cool pavement of the mountainous county roads just hours preceding our returning caravans’ departure from the granite sky scrapers known as the Grand Tetons.  Our family had successfully completed …Read More »