About us



Brady is our hard-working husband and father.  He is currently working and attending school full-time.  When he gets a rare, few minutes of free time, he enjoys working on rebuilding a 1992 Jeep YJ.  He has big plans for that thing when it gets running!


I am so blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom to my two little boys.  There is no place I would rather be.  When I’m not doing household tasks and taking care of the boys, I enjoy taking bubble baths, reading books, and baking both old and new recipes.


Deacon is a sweet, smart, and shy two-year-old.  He absolutely loves trucks of all kinds.  He has the biggest heart, but also knows what he wants and what he doesn’t want.  Deacon has a curiosity about everything around him, and we love watching him try new things.


This little babe’s smile can light up a room.  Collin has been so easy-going and mellow since day one (unless he’s hungry; the kid likes to eat!).  He tolerates the constant love given to him by his big brother like a champ.  He is such a happy baby!