Starting New Traditions

From the moment years ago that I saw the tradition of wrapping 24 Christmas books and opening one a day until Christmas, I knew that was something I wanted to do someday.  Well, that someday is here!

I started accumulating these books a few years ago when we were in the thick of our infertility journey.  I decided I didn’t want to wait until we had kids to enjoy these kinds of traditions.  We started out with just 12 books when it was just Brady and I.  It was something fun for us to do then, and now I am beyond excited to start this tradition with the boys.  I think it’s going to be something that our whole family will look forward to every year.

I knew I wanted to do an advent calendar of some sort as well, and when I saw the little drawers, I knew that would be fun to do.  I have placed a couple of small treats in each drawer that we can eat while we read our daily Christmas book.  How much you wanna bet that Deacon wants to eat more than one day’s worth of treats?  I can hear it now, “Deacon eat one more.”  And he will say it as a matter-of-fact statement while he nods and holds up one little finger.

This is the first year that I have started to see Christmas through my child’s eyes, and I will tell you what, it is magical.  I look forward to starting new traditions with our little family.  I hope that this is a time that we come to look forward to each and every year.  A time where we grow closer, a time to stop and enjoy the simple things, and a time to reflect on those things that truly matter.

May your December be magical and may we always remember the true meaning Christmas.


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